If you act like his mother, you will be treated like his mother.

It dawned to me to write this post after I suddenly remembered an encounter with the mother of a gentleman I dated a life time ago. We were standing in his kitchen and after a thorough analysis she turns around and says to me: “My boy is so skinny, what have you been feeding him?”. I remember my answer being rather rude at that time as I have never been a supporter of women being their spouse’s care giver and definitely against taking the role of the mother in a relationship. I am a woman, if I want a child, I’ll make one. It cannot seize to impress me how even in 2020 women build up their sons to become this endless pile of need and unable to care or provide from themselves. The men grow up to think no woman is ever good enough for them and the one who finally is, will be expected to clean, cook and basically slave while pursuing their career. Ladies, I need to tell you that now a days so many men are brought up thinking they are Prince Charming and a woman who doesn’t cook, clean ...