We want the absolute best for ourselves, right?

I have recently came across a very strong business woman. Although she might not be in the senior management for God knows what huge corporation, she has multiple ideas that she is working on, as well as other small businesses that she is growing. I have nothing but admiration and respect for somebody so strong and determined who knows exactly what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it.
Getting to know her made me really think about us women in general and how often we contemplate our perfect life, but how just as often we make excuses for not going and getting it.
As I was becoming a bit tired of being the person who is vividly dreaming about the perfect life-style, I made some drastic changes at the beginning of the year and I am pushing myself with all I have to not fall back into the old patterns. 
I cannot stress enough how much determination you ought to put out there in order to keep pushing yourself as so often we come across so many reasons to stop, it's unbelievable. 
The fact that we all want different things is a given - there are not two women in this world to have ever wanted the exact same outcomes in their lives nor will ever be.

The meaning and understanding of the word success is utterly different for each and every one of us. To give you an example, I used to know this girl who was admirable for her desire to push her limits and achieve more and more in life. At least this is what I thought of her. Not too long after she moved away for the summer, fell in love with a very rich guy and within 6 months she was married and pregnant. To me this is rather wrong, as I tend to see relying on somebody else (even if he is your partner) to support you financially is a dangerous move as no matter how much somebody loves you, if the unspeakable happens and one of you decides to leave, you will be left with close to no money and no career and you would have to start over at maybe a later age. Again, this is just my humble opinion so I respect everybody else's. To my friend however, this was the definition of success and according to her own opinion, she had achieved all of her goals. She had always wanted a man whom she loves but that can take care of her. A beautiful house and to never have to worry about money. And she got all of that in less than a year. I work so hard and I am yet to achieve all of my goals which is why I respect my friend so much.

The point I am trying to make right now is that regardless of what makes your heart jump and your yes sparkle, you should be out chasing it.

Identify what is that you want to be and don’t expect to see incredible progress over night as that only happens in movies. Accept that even writing down your goals on a piece of paper makes one thing you achieved towards your final goal and congratulate yourself for it, as the fact that you took that time to actually do something instead of putting on another episode of Friends and zoning out scrolling up and down on Instagram.

ZzzSource of photo: pinterest.com

So often we all complain that the reason we haven’t really done much with our life is that we work full times and between our work and children, or relationship there is no time to actually put something else on your plate as well. Don’t get me wrong, I am the first one who would put her lack of motivation on the fact that she works a full time job but this is the wrong mindset. In order to find the freedom you are longing for, you need to sacrifice something and perhaps your procrastinating and watching your favourite series all over again while vividly dreaming of a better life is something worth postponing so you get to live those dreams day to day.

Gathering the courage to start is what makes the difference. So don’t dispare if you haven’t manage to get yourself going. Start with the smallest step you can take, like building a routine that you give your best to stick to, once you managed to force yourself into small habits then the habit of working on building your dream life should be easier.

Just something to think about,




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